Cedric Vidal & David Smith - Build, Evaluate and Deploy a RAG-based retail copilot with Azure AI

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Building generative AI applications for production requires a paradigm shift to LLM Ops, with new tools, platforms and processes for orchestrating end-to-end development workflows. In this session, you’ll learn to build, evaluate and deploy an enterprise copilot application end-to-end, using a code-first approach with Azure AI Studio and Prompt flow. From ideating your scenario with your data, to evaluating it for quality locally and on Azure, then deploying it for real-world usage.

Requirements: laptop, GitHub account Helpful: Familiarity with VS Code, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, bash GitHub repository: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/contoso-chat

Cedric Vidal

Cedric Vidal is a Principal AI Advocate at Microsoft, specializing in Generative AI , and the startup and research ecosystems. He is dedicated to promoting AI in startups and facilitating the transition of research and startup products to the market. Before his current role, Cedric spent 4 years as an Engineering Manager in the AI data labeling space for the self-driving industry at Argo AI (now re-spawned as Latitude AI). He also served as the CTO of the Fintech AI SAAS startup Quicksign and worked as a software engineering services consultant for major Fintech enterprises for 10 years.

Cedric Vidal
Cedric VidalPrincipal AI Advocate

David Smith

David Smith
David SmithPrincipal Cloud Advocate

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